By Theresa Woods
Colorado residents wanting to book a ride now have another option: Drivers Cooperative Colorado. This driver-owned company offers the basics you’d expect: on-demand rides and pre-scheduled trips quickly ordered through an app, as well as something extra for drivers and riders.
Taiyelolo Oyeyipo, a driver-owner with the company, says, “80% of the income of any ride goes to the driver. That is a big deal. And also for the rider, who knows where the money is going, can tabulate it … It’s a flat rate.”
He is referring to the company’s transparent fee innovations. A ride between the same two points costs the same each time with Drivers Cooperative Colorado. There are no surcharges, fees for pre-scheduling or dynamic pricing that surges due to demand or supply. Instead, a simple receipt, the same for both rider and driver, shows amounts for tolls, etc., and the total cost of the ride itemized by the 20% administrative share going to Drivers Cooperative Colorado and the driver’s share of 80%. All tips go to drivers.

The company states that its “fair fares” are 5-8% less than other companies, making them more affordable for riders. And wages are higher than what similar businesses pay. Co-op drivers estimate they were paid an average of 40% of each fare from other platforms. Oyeyipo vividly recalls one trip when he received only 26%.
Since forming in 2023, Drivers Cooperative Colorado built its rideshare app, CO-OP Colorado, which launched Sept. 25, 2024. As of publication, the co-op has 4,677 drivers and 15,632 riders. Service is established in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Aspen, Vail and Fort Morgan. Service in Pueblo, Fort Carson, Security-Widefield and Fountain is available and being expanded.
“I want to thank all the drivers that are being involved … thanks to all the staff, the people who work hard to make this platform survive and continue,” says Ahmed Eloumrani, driver-owner, lead driver and board of directors member. “In addition to that, also [I] thank the riders who have stood by us.”
He envisions Drivers Cooperative Colorado expanding statewide and nationally, offering other programs to drivers such as electric vehicle purchasing and negotiating reasonable prices for repairs and maintenance for their driver members.
After $500,000 in startup capital, the co-op is raising another $1.4 million in investments and forming a federation with other organizations nationwide.
“There are a lot of groups that are interested in being part of the federation,” says Minsun Ji, executive director of Drivers Cooperative Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center. “Some cities don’t have an organization such as my organization…that’s why the federation is needed to support them, actually, with the fundraising, with the driver leadership training and driver co-op academy.” RMEOC’s Incubator program currently supports Drivers Cooperative Colorado. The program helps with fundraising, forms a cooperative, mobilizes membership, provides education programs for members and leadership and supports management.
The business’ immediate goals relate to growth: increase the number of riders and drivers, expand service to rural areas, support marginalized users such as individuals with disabilities or service animals and develop contracts with organizations to provide non-emergency medical transportation.
“The future of Drivers Co-op is for us to continue,” says General Manager Isaac Chinyoka, Ph.D. “We need support by the community. If people don’t believe in us, then the business won’t grow. People are using the app, supporting the app. Then we can expand.”
The mission of Drivers Cooperative Colorado is not just excellent service and safe rides. “We are interested in [making] social change in the life of these drivers and riders,” says Chinyoka.
[call-out box text only] “I’ve been in the game, in the business, for almost 11 years, so, I’ve seen this. Eleven years, you’re working hard, but you didn’t see any result … didn’t see that much change in my life or a development financially … so this platform comes and give you the right, first of all, the respect, the recognition, gives you the financial [benefit] … That’s what the driver’s looking for.”
~ Ahmed Eloumrani, driver-owner, lead driver