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Unlocking Gen Z’s Workforce Potential

Why Young Adults Are Key to Your Talent Strategy

By Becca Tonn, Communications & Public Relations Manager, Pikes Peak Workforce Center

Every Help Wanted sign in a window or online job posting bears testament to the ongoing challenges of hiring and retention. However, businesses might be overlooking a promising talent pool hiding in plain sight.

Many adults remember their first real job with nostalgia, whether they worked in fast food, as a camp counselor or answering phones for a local business. Likely it was their first foray into the exciting and intimidating world of adulthood. What better way to see what business is all about, learn “soft” skills and augment one’s résumé?

In recent years, first jobs for young adults (ages 16-24) are likely to be barista, carwash attendant, dog groomer or office assistant, but the same principles apply – each experience helps boost skills and confidence.

The Soft Skills Gap: A Challenge for Gen Z

At the start of the pandemic, young adult labor force participation plummeted. While it’s starting to recover, those intervening years could affect their career trajectories for decades to come.

Although they are digital natives and savvy with computers and technology, Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) lacks essential soft skills. They skipped a crucial period of social and emotional development due to shutdowns, social distancing and remote learning and/or work, according to Newport Institute.

Having missed out on mentorship from seasoned professionals during formative years, many Gen Z adults feel unprepared for workplace expectations, such as effective communication, conflict management, problem-solving and emotional intelligence.

Not that Generation Z is naïve; on the contrary, they’re fully aware of their challenges, and more than half believe that traditional education hasn’t adequately prepared them to join the labor force, according to The Workforce Institute.

Bridging the Gap: How Young Adults Can Succeed

Since young adults recognize these gaps, they can actively seek to improve their chances for success in the workplace, according to the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS). With the right guidance from leaders, young adults can learn the necessary soft skills to thrive in the workplace.

For example, employers in Southern Colorado who have offered mentorship and training programs report that Gen Z employees adapt quickly and bring vital energy to their teams.

Locally, the Pikes Peak Business and Education Alliance (a subsidiary of Pikes Peak Workforce Center) works with local school districts and businesses to increase career exploration for high school students through worksite tours, job shadowing, internships and other industry-involved services.

Also, at the Pikes Peak Workforce Center, career navigators meet with students, counselors and educators to increase awareness of no-cost services. We offer work-readiness workshops, résumé reviews, mock interviews, on-the-job training, pre-apprenticeships and other options to guide young adults to career pathways that will be fulfilling and economically sustainable for them. We also offer the same resources and services to young adults after high school.

How Employers Can Benefit from Hiring Young Adults

We know employers continue to struggle with attracting and hiring talent. Even though many Baby Boomers are retiring, young adults are an option to consider.

According to, young adults bring enthusiasm and diverse perspectives that enhance your workplace culture. This can complement the experience of seasoned employees, creating a dynamic work environment.

Any training you provide them can benefit your company immediately and help create loyalty. Plus, their strong technology skills can help modernize and streamline workplace processes.

In addition, hiring Gen Z is a smart investment, as they are excited to gain experience, grow and contribute to your company’s success.

Get Involved: Upcoming Young Adult Job Fairs

Hiring young adults isn’t just a short-term fix – it’s a strategic investment in your company’s future. If you’re ready to hire the next generation of talent, we have four upcoming young adult job fairs throughout the region, from March 11 through March 21. Visit to reserve your table.

By investing in Gen Z talent today, companies can help shape a more skilled, confident workforce for the future. The benefits are mutual: businesses gain fresh perspectives and digital fluency, while young adults build lifelong career skills.


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